La Cantera Loma de Vida Spa and Wellness


October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024    
12:00 am

WINGS Lymphatic Therapy was created specifically for breast cancer patients
with approval from their doctors. However, this service is also great for those who
have uncomfortable swelling for other reasons. A lot of people have problems
with lymphatic flow, and / or they are retaining fluids. Even bloating indicates a
body in distress and a lymphatic system that might need some assistance. One of
the most enjoyable ways to get your whole body to work more efficiently for you,
is with the WINGS Lymphatic Therapy. For the month of October, 10 percent of
the cost goes back to WINGS. Available year-round, upon request.


Please call 210-558-2252 or
visit to book a reservation