The mission of WINGS is to bridge the gap between diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, providing comprehensive breast health services to women in Central and South Texas who are uninsured…because everyone deserves a lifetime.
What We Do
WINGS is designed to fill the gap that exists between breast cancer detection and treatment. For many Central and South Texas uninsured women, WINGS is their only option for what is hoped to be life-saving care and treatment. WINGS utilizes a network of physicians and treatment centers to give these women a real chance at fighting this deadly disease. Beyond treatment, WINGS works in concert with organizations dedicated to education and outreach.
Key Strengths
Since its inception in 1999, WINGS has provided support to over 14,300 South Texas women with breast cancer.
Provided over $19 Million in healthcare services to women with breast cancer over 22 years.
Over 95 percent of the women treated through WINGS are still living, because of the program.
WINGS has seen fifteen-year survival rates for the women it serves increase from zero (untreated breast cancer) to 100 percent for Stages I-III disease.
Received the GuideStar Gold Seal demonstrating a commitment to transparency.
Maintains an efficiency rating of 94 percent, which is above that of the average nonprofit. This means only 6% of WINGS fundraising income goes to overhead. The majority of funding is invested directly to serve qualifying participants treatment and services.
Programs and Services
WINGS offers lifetime comprehensive breast health care services to women in Central and South Texas. Once a women is selected for the WINGS program, enrollment is for a lifetime.
Our services include:
WINGS I-Active Care offers comprehensive breast cancer care and treatment to include covering the cost of physician visits, surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation, labs, scans, and medications, prosthetics, wigs, etc. (Traditionally two-half year journey).
WINGS II Continuum Care offers women who have graduated from WINGS I (diagnosed cancer free), no-cost annual mammograms, labs, scans, medication, and physician visits for five years following remission.
WINGS for Life is a survivorship program featuring follow-up care for those still under or uninsured providing educational workshops, support groups, resource referrals, survivor events and activities.
For more information, visit www.texaswings.org or follow WINGS on Facebook or Twitter.
WINGS was founded in 1999 by two women, a breast cancer patient and her breast surgeon. They both knew firsthand the struggles women face even if they are insured. They realized many women have no insurance at all, and no fighting chance to beat this horrible disease. That was unacceptable. So, they decided to become Women Involved in Nurturing, Giving and Sharing – WINGS! WINGS gives uninsured women in South and Central Texas a fighting chance to beat breast cancer, by filling the vacuum that exists between detection and treatment.
It was an idea embraced by the medical community! Physicians from every part of the cancer industry aligned with us to work out a system that was affordable and effective. By melding the charitable, non-profit organization of WINGS with strong physicians’ practice groups, all patients receive the benefits of quality care at zero cost to the patient! And once a patient is accepted into the WINGS program, they are in it for life! After treatment is completed, our patients are moved into WINGS II, where they are monitored and will be covered should they need further medical attention. More than 900 women have been accepted into the program and every year we add more to our WINGS family.
WINGS is not only about the treatment of breast cancer, but we are also dedicated to education and outreach. We want to bring quality care to all women with breast cancer. Studies have shown the survival rate of WINGS patients far surpasses national averages (according to the National Cancer Society statistics). We believe it’s because of the stress free environment and quality of care that is provided to our patients.
WINGS continues to grow and look for new ways to help the women of South and Central Texas who are battling breast cancer. Our impact is real, and the success is only due to the amazing generosity of the community. WINGS will continue to soar to new heights, thanks to all who support us.
Sandra R. Jolla (President)
Development Director
Author – The Joy in My Journey with Cancer
Nellie Tijerina (Vice President)
Executive Director
Senior Vice President
Primerica Financial Services
Jeanne Conger (Secretary)
Dora Anne Verde (Treasurer)
Eric Dupre
Rosie Flores
Amy Marie Lopez
Ruth M. Medellin
Executive Director
Marisa Chapa
Program Coordinator
WINGS Mailing & Office Address
2929 Mossrock #205
San Antonio, TX 78230
Tax ID Number:
© 2016 WINGS
Women Involved in Nurturing, Giving, Sharing